JULY 2018
The Policy and Procedure Manual contains information that will be helpful in day-to-day operations. The members of the Policy and Procedure Committee reviewed, revised, and/or wrote policy and procedure statements for this manual during the Spring and Fall of 1993. Since that time, policy and/or procedure revisions have been made, and new policies and procedures have been added. Although a printed copy of the Manual is available in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research and additional copies are available at any time, the most current edition of the Manual can be found online at prcc.edu.
Policy and procedure development will always be an on-going process. The Strategic Planning Policy assures that policies and procedures are reviewed annually. As new policies are developed, the Policy and Procedure Committee submits them to the President and Cabinet for approval. Once the President and Cabinet approve a policy and its procedure, the policy statement is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. When the Board of Trustees approves a new policy, the policy becomes effective immediately unless specific requirements otherwise dictate. After the new policy is approved, it is posted on the PRCC Website. It should be noted that the section in the Policy and Procedure Manual indicated as Forms contains College forms that are used in day-to-day operations.
Suggestions for improving the usability of this manual should be directed to a member of the Policy and Procedure Committee.