Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom


Adopted: Tuesday, December 7, 1993 
Revision Number: 1 
Revision Date: Tuesday, July 11, 1995 
Reference: Instruction


The College faculty and students are free to examine all pertinent data, question assumptions, be guided by the evidence of scholarly research, and teach and study the substance of a given discipline.


  1. An instructor is entitled to full freedom in research and in publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of other assigned academic duties, but research for monetary return should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of the institution.
  2. An instructor is entitled to freedom in the classroom discussing course context but should be careful to avoid emphasis on topics that have no relation to course context.
  3. An instructor is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and an officer of an educational institution. When writing or speaking as a citizen, there should be freedom from institutional censorship or discipline, but the instructor’s special position in the community imposes special obligations. As a person of learning and an educational officer, the instructor should remember that the public may judge the profession and the institution by what is said. Hence, instructors should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to avoid appearing as an institutional spokesperson.
Updated on August 16, 2023

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.