Student Conduct

Student Conduct


Adopted: Tuesday, October 14, 1980 
Revision Number: 3 
Revision Date: Friday, October 21, 2016 
Reference: Student Affairs


Pearl River Community College expects appropriate conduct of students at all times.


The student whose actions are disrupting the pursuit of learning and normal classroom activities will be asked by the instructor to refrain from the disrupting behavior. Discourteous or unseemly conduct to other students, instructors, or staff through verbal or written communication are considered a violation of the Student Conduct Policy.  Some examples of misconduct that will not be tolerated include, but are not limited to, disorderly conduct, harassment, verbal abuse, assault, and interference with the educational opportunity of other students.  This type of behavior may result in a student being dismissed from the class, course, or the College and could be referred to the Vice President for Poplarville Campus and Student Services, if on the Poplarville Campus, to the Vice President for Forrest County Campus, or to the Vice President for Hancock County Campus. The student’s due process proceeding will be initiated.

Serious offenses should be reported immediately to the Poplarville Campus Police at (601) 403-1300, the Forrest County Campus Police at (601) 554-5513, the Hancock County Campus Police at (228) 467-2761, or local law enforcement authorities if teaching at an off-campus site.

Updated on September 16, 2024

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.