Adopted: Tuesday, December 7, 1993
Revision Number: 1
Revision Date: Tuesday, May 2, 1995
Reference: Physical Facilities
The College will provide for the maintenance of physical facilities.
Major Maintenance
The primary objective of the Maintenance Planning System is to provide a sound basis for allocating resources for defined needs for maintaining the physical facilities of the College. The ultimate purpose of this system is to provide adequate facilities to support all of the goals of the institution.
The Maintenance Plan is developed, revised, and evaluated through the following steps:
- A thorough survey/needs assessment is completed each year during January-March to revise the plan. Projections are made on a five-year basis. Only projects with estimated costs of $5,000 or more are included in the Major Maintenance Plan. Projects under $5,000 are included in the Minor Maintenance Plan. The assessment involves the input of the entire professional staff. Individual instructors may provide input through their respective chairpersons. Survey request forms for the needs assessment are sent to all administrators and chairpersons during the month of February.
- A complete evaluation of the Major and Minor Maintenance Plans and the revision of the plans are completed by April 1 of each year.
- A complete evaluation needs assessment includes information for each facility in need of major maintenance as follows:
- Maintenance needs
- Cost estimates
- Urgency of the projects
- Job phases
- Revenue sources
- Work to be completed by maintenance department, contractors, or any combination of both
- Completion dates and special notes (A recap listing of all projects with tasks arranged in chronological priorities is completed as a part of the revised plan after the needs assessment.)
- The evaluation of the Major Maintenance Plan includes:
- A listing of projects completed
- Date the projects were completed
- Project costs
- Revenue sources for the projects
- Projects included in the plan but not initiated or completed with reasons for delay or lack of completion stated.
- A complete evaluation needs assessment includes information for each facility in need of major maintenance as follows:
- The Director of Physical Plant have the primary responsibility for the survey/needs assessment, annual revision of the plan, and the evaluation of the plan.
- The revised Major Maintenance Plan is presented to the Board of Trustees for approval during each June Board meeting. A copy of the evaluation of the plan for the previous year is also given to the Board.
Minor Maintenance
A complete evaluation of the Minor Maintenance Plan and the revision of the plan are completed by April 1 of each year.
- A complete evaluation needs assessment includes information for each facility in need of minor maintenance as follows:
- Maintenance needs
- Cost estimates
- Urgency of the projects
- Revenue sources
- Work to be completed by maintenance department, contractors, or any combination of both
- The evaluation of the Minor Maintenance Plan includes:
- A listing of projects completed
- Date the projects were completed
- Project costs
- Revenue sources for the projects
- Projects included in the plan but not initiated or completed with reasons for delay or lack of completion stated