Adopted: Tuesday, December 7, 1993
Revision Number: 2
Revision Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Reference: Educational Programs
Pearl River Community College offers developmental courses for students with deficiencies in the areas of English and mathematics.
Developmental courses are designed to strengthen the students’ basic skills in order that they may become better prepared to succeed in other college courses.
Courses: | Class Meetings: |
Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1234) | 4 Lecture Hours per Week |
- Effective Fall 2010, credit toward graduation is not awarded for developmental courses.
- Grading: Beginning in Fall 1993, students enrolled in developmental courses must earn a grade of “C” or higher in order to enroll in the next higher level course. Students not earning a grade of “C” or higher must repeat the course the following regular semester.
- Students whose ACT subscores indicate their need to enroll in one or more developmental courses must schedule these courses immediately. This requirement may not be delayed until a further semester without the approval of the Vice President for Poplarville Campus and Instruction or the Director of Career and Technical Education or Center Directors.
- Students enrolled in one or more developmental courses must be advised and follow the prescribed plan of courses in order to ensure graduation in a timely manner.
The following American College Test (ACT) scale scores on the English and Mathematics subtests determine developmental course placement:
College Algebra (MAT 1313) | ACT Mathematics score of 19 or above |
College Algebra (MAT 1314) | ACT Mathematics score of 17-18 |
Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1234) | ACT Mathematics score of 16 or below |
English Composition I (ENG 1113) | ACT English score of 17 or above |
English Composition I (ENG 1114) | ACT English score of 16 or below |
A grade of “C” or better is required for academic students to pass ENG and MAT class(es).
- If a student has taken the ACT more than once, the highest subtest scores for Mathematics and Reading are used.
- When registering, students are permitted to take the Compass at his or her expense. If the Compass scores indicate the student can be placed in a college-level course, then the student may bypass the developmental courses. (There is a fee for each section of the Compass).