Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression


Adopted: Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Reference: Administrative


Pearl River Community College recognizes the right for freedom of speech and peaceful assembly for students, faculty, staff, and community. The College supports such rights, so long as such activities do not interfere with the daily activities on campus. Pearl River Community College recognizes its duty to provide a conducive and safe learning environment for its students, faculty, and staff.


  1. Students, faculty, and staff have the right to express free speech in common areas and sidewalks on campus, so long as such expression does not interfere with the daily activities of the campus, including traffic by foot or vehicle.
  2. Non-affiliated speakers and requests for peaceful demonstrations must apply for approval through the office of the appropriate Campus Vice President. Such requests for demonstrations may be approved with restrictions to time, place, and manner. Any request for non-affiliated speakers and/or demonstrations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the requested time and date.
  3. Any disruption to campus daily activities will not be permitted.  Any incitement of violence or lawlessness, including the disruption of classes or scheduled events will not be tolerated, and will be considered disruptive behavior. Such actions will be subject to college policies and procedures regarding specific violations.
  4. Guidelines for peaceful assembly and free speech:
    • Groups or individuals cannot attract a crowd larger than can safely accommodated in an approved area
    • Groups or individuals cannot impede foot or vehicular traffic on campus
    • Groups or individuals cannot disrupt the daily activities inside or outside buildings on campus, but not limited to, classroom instruction.
    • Groups or individuals cannot block entrances and exits to buildings
    • Groups or individuals cannot represent any type of threat to Public Safety, subject to the discretion of the Director of Public Safety and the Campus Vice President
    • Groups or individuals cannot use noise amplifiers
    • Any use of campus property (land/areas) is temporary, restricted by time, place, and manner guidelines
    • Groups or individuals cannot affix any signage to any temporary or fixed structure, nor can signs or flags be planted or placed in the ground or anywhere extending beyond the control of the individual.
    • Groups or individuals cannot alter or deface any building, sidewalk, or structure on campus in any manner
    • Groups or individuals cannot utilize any props that may be deemed a safety hazard for the campus
  5. Pearl River Community College reserves the right to deny approval for requests, based on the following:
    • The Campus Vice President, along with the Director for Public Safety and Campus Police, has reasonable basis to determine the speaker, based on previous events or otherwise, poses a threat to disrupt learning on campus, poses a threat for the safety of students, faculty, and staff, or poses an imminent threat to incite violence or lawlessness on campus.
    • The Campus Vice President, along with the Director of Public Safety and Campus Police, has reasonable basis to conclude that the assembly or demonstration poses a safety threat to those in attendance.
  6. Any violation of the Freedom of Expression Policy is prohibited and will result in immediate stoppage of assembly, and appropriate steps will be taken to return the campus to a peaceful and safe environment.
Updated on August 16, 2023

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.