Compliance with State and Federal Laws

Compliance with State and Federal Laws


Tuesday, December 7, 1993 
Revision Number: 3 
Revision Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 
Reference: Administrative Student Affairs

Pearl River Community College will comply with state and federal laws


Equal Opportunity

Pearl River Community College offers equal education and employment opportunities. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, veteran status, pregnancy, or disability. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy or to request accommodations, special assistance, or alternate format publication please contact the Office of Disability Services at or 601-403-1215.

This policy applies to all aspects of admissions, enrollment, and employment, including but not limited to enrollment, recruitment, hiring, placement, rate of pay, promotion, transfer, demotion, and termination.  The College is in compliance and agreement with the provisions set forth in Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991.

Public Participation at Board Meetings 

All regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees will be open to the public.  In order that the Board may hear the viewpoints of the citizens throughout the community college district and also conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, the following procedure will be in effect for members of the public wishing to make formal presentations before the Board.  

  1. Members of the public wishing to make formal presentations before the Board should make arrangements with the President or designee five (5) working days in advance of the board meeting so that such presentations may be scheduled on the agenda.
  2. At all regular meetings, there will be up to five (5) minutes scheduled for any brief comments or questions from the public.  Speakers may offer criticisms of the college’s operations and programs, but during a meeting, the Board of Trustees will not hear personal complaints against any person connected with the college.  Comments at special meetings of the Board can only deal with the express purpose for which the meeting was called.
  3. Any person who willfully disturbs any session of the meeting will be in violation of the law, Mississippi Code Section 37-11-23.
  4. Those who speak are urged to limit their remarks to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Groups will be urged to designate a spokesman.
  5. The Board president will be responsible for calling on all speakers, who will identify themselves; for maintaining order; and for adhering to the time limit set.  Questions will be answered immediately by the Board president or referred to staff members present for reply.  Those questions which require timely examination will be referred to the President of the college for consideration and later response.  

Public Records 

All requests to inspect and/or receive copies of “Public Records”, (as defined in Senate Bill 2448 of the 1983 regular session of the Mississippi Legislature) held by the Pearl River Community College will be made in writing to the President, Pearl River Community College, clearly indicating the specific record requested and the name and address of the individual and/or organization requesting the record. 

Forms for requesting access to records may be obtained from the Office of the President, Pearl River Community College. 

Pearl River Community College will respond in one of the following ways:

  1. The record will be made available during normal business hours.
  2. A copy of the record will be submitted within fourteen working days from the date the request was received provided that any applicable charges are paid in full prior to the request being granted.  Delays in receiving the required charges may result in an extension of the fourteen day time limit.
  3. A written denial will be furnished.  Copies of any denials of requests will be on file for at least three years.  
Updated on April 19, 2024

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.