Transportation of Student Activities

Transportation of Student Activities


Adopted: Tuesday, May 11, 1976 
Revision Number: 2 
Revision Date: Tuesday, July 11, 1995 
Reference: Student Affairs, Administrative


Pearl River Community College provides transportation for approved student activities.


Sponsors for clubs and organizations engaged in college activities requiring college transportation will turn in a request to the appropriate administrator. This approved request must be submitted to the President’s Office at least one week prior to the date needed. This request will contain the number of students desiring transportation, the date, departing and returning time, and destination. This request must have approval of the appropriate administrator prior to submitting the form to the President’s Office. The requestor will be notified as to the availability of transportation.

Students will be governed by the rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook of the College when traveling on any college vehicle. Students who violate transportation regulations or College rules and regulations will forfeit their right to the use of college supported transportation and will also be subject to disciplinary action.

Updated on August 16, 2023

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.