Termination or Resignation of Employment

Termination or Resignation of Employment


Adopted: Tuesday, February 12, 1985 
Revision Number: 4 
Revision Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 
Reference: Personnel


Employment may be ended by termination or resignation.



The President may terminate any support staff employee. The President may terminate any professional employee subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Any employee of the College must clear with the appropriate supervisor(s) or administrators before separation.

  1. Support Staff
    According to the Mississippi Code No. 37-29-63, the President of the community college will have power with full authority to select, direct, and discharge any and all employees who are not teachers. Each support staff employee is assigned to the supervision of a College administrator according to the organizational chart of the College. The termination of employment of support staff employees will follow these procedures: The support staff employee will be evaluated by his/her immediate supervisor periodically according to the duties and responsibilities outlined in the job performance description. If a support staff employee is advised that the specific improvements are necessary in job performance, he/she will be expected to make these improvements. A copy of the improvements needed will be given to the employee and a copy will be placed in his/her personnel file. If, after a conference with the immediate supervisor, the employee does not make the recommended adjustments, a conference will be scheduled with the College President, the supervisor, and the employee. After reviewing the information regarding the employee’s past performance of the job description, the College President may terminate the support staff employee.
  2. Professional
    According to the Mississippi Code, the President of the community college will have power to recommend to the Board of Trustees all teachers who will be employed, and will have authority to remove or suspend any member of the faculty subject to the approval of the trustees.The following procedure will be used in the termination of a faculty member: The appropriate administrator(s) will visit each faulty member during classroom activities for evaluation. The faculty member will also be evaluated by student surveys. The evaluation will be based on duties and responsibilities outlined in the faculty member s job description. After evaluation, if a faculty member is advised by the appropriate administrator that specific improvements are needed, then a copy of the needed improvements will be given to the faculty member, and a copy will be placed in his/her personnel file. If the faculty member does not make the recommended adjustments, the faculty member’s contract will not be recommended to the Board of Trustees for renewal for the next year. If it becomes necessary to inform a faculty member of such a decision, he/she will be advised as to their status by May 20 preceding the ensuing school year.An instructional employee may be dismissed during a contract period, on the approval of the Board of Trustees, should that employee exhibit illegal conduct or willful disobedience to his/her immediate supervisor. Any member of the faculty will be entitled to due process as specified in the Complaints and Grievances Policy.


Any employee of the College who has resigned or been terminated (dismissed or fired) must perform the following activities before his/her work is considered complete and the final pay check released:

  1. Turn in all keys to immediate supervisor.
  2. Turn in to the immediate supervisor an up-to-date inventory of all equipment assigned to him/her.
  3. Complete and return all documents and forms requested by the College officials.
  4. Provide a forwarding mailing address to the Business Office.
  5. File any complaints or grievances in the President’s Office.
  6. Secure a clearance slip from the immediate supervisor and, if applicable, from the Library and Bookstore and file with the Business Office before final payment is made.
  7. Submit a letter of resignation or complete an exit interview with the immediate supervisor.
Updated on August 17, 2023

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.