Governing Regulations of the Board of Trustees

Governing Regulations of the Board of Trustees


Adopted: Tuesday, January 1, 1985 
Revision Number: 5 
Revision Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 
Reference: Administrative


The Board of Trustees of Pearl River Community College will be organized and governed according to State Law, Chapter 29, Section 37-29-1 through Section 37-29-275, Mississippi Code of 1972 as amended.


The following items I through VII are the governing regulations as established and confirmed by the local Board of Trustees for maintaining order and conducting the business of the Board.

  1. Source of Authority (State Law)
    Chapter 29, Section 37-29-1 through Section 37-29-275, Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended.
  2. Organization of the Board
    1. Principles of Organization
      1. The members of the Board of Trustees are individuals only. They have legal authority only when the Board is in formal session and when a quorum is present.
      2. The control over the College by the Board of Trustees is not by individual members but through the majority votes of the Board whereby rules, regulations, policies and other pertinent matters are adopted when the Board is in lawful session.
    2. Membership
      1. The membership of the Board of Trustees is sixteen (16): six (6) from the home site county of Pearl River and two (2) from each of the other five counties of Forrest, Hancock, Jefferson Davis, Lamar and Marion.
      2. The Superintendent of Education of each county is a member of the Board by virtue of said office according to State statute unless he or she chooses not to serve as provided in SS 37-29-65, subsection (2). Such decision not to serve will be in writing and entered on the minutes.
      3. Each member other than the county superintendents of education will be appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the county for a period of five (5) years. The appointments are staggered so there are two (2) appointments each year. The employment of county superintendents is at the discretion of their district school boards.
    3. Officers
      Officers of the Board will be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary, who will be elected from the Board of Trustees by its membership. The terms of the office of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be for a period of two (2) years; however, they will be eligible for re-election by the Board. The secretary will be elected for a period of four (4) years. The elections will be held at the last regular meeting of each even numbered year. The President of the College will be the Executive Officer of the Board, and he/she will serve on appointment by, and at the pleasure of, the Board. If, for any reason, the Chairperson is unable to serve his/her full term, the Vice-Chairperson will become the Chairperson and a new vice-chairperson will be elected by the Board by a majority vote. If, for any reason, the Vice-Chairperson is unable to serve his/her full term, a new vice-chairperson will be elected by the Board by a majority vote.
    4. Meetings
      1. The Board will meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the West Dining Room of Crosby Hall and on such other dates and at such other places as fixed by the Chairperson.
      2. All meetings will be open to the public except when the Board is in executive session, which will require a majority vote of the members of the Board present.
      3. Nine (9) members will constitute a quorum for any meeting. However, the election or discharge of the President of the College will require a majority vote of the entire Board.
      4. When necessary, a called special meeting of the Board will be made by the Chairperson, or a called special meeting will be scheduled when requested in writing by at least nine (9) members of the Board. The special meeting will be held within five (5) days after the request has been received by the Chairperson.
    5. Committees
      1. Appointment
        1. The Board may establish such standing committees and such ad hoc committees as it deems necessary to secure, promote and protect the institution’s welfare.
        2. The Chairperson will appoint the members of all committees.
      2. Ad Hoc Committees
        1. All ad hoc committees will terminate upon the completion of their mission.
      3. Standing Committees
        1. In order to facilitate the business conducted by the Board, a Building and Grounds Committee will be appointed. The Building and Grounds Committee will be composed of six (6) members appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
        2. The other standing committee will be the Budget and Personnel Committee. It will be composed of ten (10) members appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
      4. Limitation of Authority of Committees
        1. If the Board in meeting authorizes a committee to act on a matter referred to it, the Chairperson of the committee will report to the full Board at its next regular meeting advising it of the action taken.
          b. This committee action will be reported as a recommendation for consideration and action by the Board.
      5. President
        1. The President of the College will serve ex officio without voting privileges on all committees.
        2. The President will, in cooperation with the committee Chairperson, notify all committee members of the time and place of all meetings.
    6. Per Diem
      1. Each community college trustee may be paid out of community college funds a per diem of the amount allowed by State law (currently forty dollars, $40.00) per meeting of said board and, in addition, the sum of fifty eight cents (58¢) per mile in coming to and returning from said meeting, calculated upon the customary and normally traveled route from the home of such trustee to the campus of the community college.
      2. Such allowance of per diem and mileage will not, however, be allowed for more than the number of meetings allowed by state law for any fiscal year and will only be paid for meetings actually attended by such trustees.
  3. Duties and Powers of the Officers of the Board of Trustees
    1. The Chairperson of the Board will
      1. preside at all meetings of the Board;
      2. appoint special committees as authorized by the Board unless members of such committees are specifically named in the motion authorizing such committees;
      3. vote on all matters he/she desires;
      4. sign all necessary legal instruments approved by the Board, when not delegated to the President, including minutes of the meeting; and
      5. call special meetings of the Board.
    2. The Vice-Chairperson of the Board will
      1. preside in the absence of the Chairperson and have all of the executive powers of the Chairperson when serving in the absence of the Chairperson, and
      2. in regular session when the Chairperson is present, participate as a regular board member.
    3. The Secretary of the Board will
      1. preside in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson with full authority to conduct regular scheduled meetings;
      2. be responsible for maintaining an accurate record of the minutes of the Board;
      3. prepare any required reports; and
      4. sign necessary legal documents and papers which have been approved by the Board of Trustees.
    4. Order of Business
      1. Call to Order
      2. Invocation
      3. Pledge of Allegiance
      4. Guests
      5. Recognitions
      6. Presentations
      7. Approval of Minutes
      8. Departmental Reports
      9. Approval of Financial Documents
      10. Personnel Matters
      11. Legal Matters
      12. Other Business
      13. Presiden’t Report
      14. Adjournment
  4. General Policies
    1. The chief function of the Board of Trustees will be that of adopting policies governing the College. These policies will be carefully defined and recorded in the official Policy and Procedure Manual, which will be maintained by, and filed in, the President’s Office and will be available on the College website.
    2. All business transacted and decisions made by this Board of Trustees will be a matter of public record.
    3. The majority action of the Board on a given issue will become the policy of the entire Board until such time as the question is again raised at a board meeting for further consideration and changed by a majority vote.
    4. Issues where decisions cannot be immediately reached may be postponed by a majority vote of the Board or referred to a committee for consideration and recommendations.
  5. The Responsibility and Authority of the Board of Trustees in Delegating Authority
    1. The Board delegates to the President the responsibility to inform the Board members of matters regarding the College at regular scheduled meetings through written reports relative to finances, facilities and instructional work of the College.
    2. The Board delegates to the President and the Chief Financial Officer the responsibility of preparing the annual budget and presenting it to the Board for approval at the regularly scheduled meeting in June of each fiscal year.
    3. The Board delegates to the President, as general manager of the fiscal and administrative affairs of the college, the responsibility of recommending professional personnel to the Board for employment appointment or dismissal but retains the responsibility of either accepting or rejecting the recommendations of the President. The Board delegates full authority to the President to select, direct and discharge any and all support staff employees.
    4. The Board will vote on questions of policy to be considered as recommended by the President of the College.
    5. The Board will vote on the recommendation of the President in all matters of policy concerning appointment or dismissal of instructors, instructional salary schedule, and instructors or pupil personnel regulations and curriculum.
  6. President of Pearl River Community College . . . . . Selection and Definition of Authority and Responsibility
    The President will be the authorized representative of the College, having duties and authorities as provided by Mississippi State laws and those delegated duties and authorities as specified by the Board of Trustees.
    1. The election of the President of the College will be in accordance with the laws of the State of Mississippi through the Board selection process by the rules and regulations made thereunder by the Board, incorporated into the contract authorized by the Board of Trustees, said contract not to exceed four years as set by State law.
    2. Duties of the President of the College are:
      1. the President will serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the College with authority to manage and direct all affairs of the College under policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees and Mississippi State laws governing community colleges;
      2. the President will furnish creative leadership to the Board of Trustees and all employees of the College;
      3. the President will administer and enforce all adopted policies and regulations of the College;
      4. the President will recommend all professional personnel to the Board for appointment or dismissal for final approval of same by the Board; the President will have full authority to select, direct and discharge any and all support staff employees, and said authority will be in accordance with the State law and in accord to budget allocation; the President will annually present a list of all professional employees that are recommended for re-employment for each fiscal year at the regular June Board meeting; and, the President will present a salary schedule (within the annual budget) at the regular June Board meeting to correspond with the list of all fiscal year re-employment recommendations;
      5. the President will maintain safety and proper care and use of all school property, so far as the means at his disposal will permit;
      6. the President will attend all Board meetings;
      7. the President will develop an agenda for regular Board meetings on the advice and counsel of the Chairperson of the Board;
      8. the President will handle, through channels, the transportation facilities of the College;
      9. the President and the Chief Financial Officer will prepare the annual budget for the approval and adoption by the Board of Trustees at the regularly scheduled meeting in June of each fiscal year;
      10. the President will prepare, with the counsel of the appropriate Vice President(s), a report on the program studies, curricula, and courses of study for the Board’s consideration;
      11. the President will direct the admission and classification of students in conformity to accreditation requirements;
      12. the President will act as purchasing agent for the Board of Trustees purchasing supplies, materials and services authorized by the annual budget in accordance with State laws and adopted policies of the Board or have his designated representatives to do so; and
      13. the President will notify the Chancery Clerk of each county of the expiration of the terms of Board members.
      14. the President will have administrative oversight for the athletic program.
      15. the President has ultimate responsibility for the College’s fund-raising activities.
  7. Amendments
    This policy governing regulations, as well as individual policies, may be amended at any regular meeting by three-fourths vote of the entire Board, provided the notice of the proposed changes has been given at the last meeting and made a part of the minutes of said meeting, or provided that a written notice of the proposed changes has been mailed, emailed, or posted in Boardbook to each board member through the Office of the President of the College at least ten (10) days before said meeting.
Updated on July 17, 2024

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.