POPLARVILLE – Pearl River Community College will offer a summer welding course on the Poplarville campus.
The course will meet from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, beginning May 20 and ending July 31.
Cost is $475, and completion includes NCCER certification in the core curriculum and Level 1 welding and a 10-hour OSHA card. Instructor is Leland Kennedy.
Students must be 18 years old or older and provide a copy of a Mississippi state-issued ID and a current drug screen. The drug screen results will be required the first week of class.
They must also have their own personal protective equipment – steel-toed shoes, safety glasses, ear plugs, cap, welding gloves, welding shield and long sleeve shirt.
Applications can be obtained by calling Gloria Wasmund at 601 403-1241, emailing gwasmund@prcc.edu or at the Career Education Office on Wildcat Drive on campus. Applications and fees must be submitted to Pearl River Community College, Career Education Building, 101 Highway 11 North, Box 5010, Poplarville MS 39470 by May 15.