Pearl River community College and Bedford Care Center Monroe Hall recently formalized a partnership that gives PRCC practical nursing students a place to perfect their skills.
Monroe Hall has been designated a Dedicated Educational Unit by the Mississippi Office of Nursing Workforce established in 1996 by the state Nursing Workforce Redevelopment Act.
Students in PRCC’s dual enrollment nursing program do their clinical rotations at Monroe Hall to prepare to become geriatric practical nurses, said Susan Bedwell, director of the program at PRCC’s Forrest County Center.
“Our dual completers are students who finished high school in May and have been full-time practical nursing students since then,” she said. “They attended high school their senior year until noon each day and then attended the nursing classes at PRCC.”
The students, who are PRCC’s fourth dual enrollment class, will graduate in December and be eligible to take the state board certification exam.
Photo caption:
Susan Bedwell, center, director of Pearl River Community College’s practical nursing program at the Forrest County Center, holds a plague designating Bedford Care Center Monroe Hall a dedicated educational unit. With her are, from left, clinical nursing instructor Tera Riddick, Monroe Hall administrator Robert Perry, Dr. William Lewis, PRCC president; and PRCC nursing instructor Melissa Bryant.
PRCC Public Relations photo