Pearl River Community College will offer two workforce training night classes in Jefferson Davis County, beginning Sept. 4.
An electrical course, which offers an industry recognized certificate in introductory craft skills and Level I electrical, will meet from 5 to 10 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays at the Jefferson Davis VoTech Center in Carson. The class will end on Dec. 8.
Cost is $250 and is due in full before the first class. Reservations for a seat require payment receipt, application and a clean drug screen test.
A welding course will be taught from 5 to 10 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays from Sept. 4 to March 26. Student will be eligible to apply for NCCER certification in introductory craft skills and Welding Level I and Level II modules.
Cost is $250 with half due by Sept. 4 and the remainder due by Jan. 5. Reservations for a seat require payment receipt, application and a clean drug screen test. Students will be required to furnish welding gloves, welding cap, steel-toed shoes and a long sleeve shirt.
Students in either class must be 18 years old. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funding is available for those who qualify. Payment must be made at the VoTech Center office, 5082 Highway 42, Carson.
For more information or to request an application for either course, contact a WIN Job Center or Rebekah Jackson at 601-336-2291 or