POPLARVILLE – Pearl River Community College along with a number of Poplarville area businesses will sponsor a 5K Walk and other events Saturday, Oct. 26, at the PRCC Wellness Center.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Poplarville begins with registration at 8 a.m. and lasts until 12 p.m.
Activities include the 5K Walk, music, vendors and a silent auction. Registration fee for the walk is $25 and includes a t-shirt.
In addition to PRCC, sponsors are Pearl River County Hospital and Nursing Home, Uniforms by Bales, Pearl River Drug, Boone’s Pharmacy, White Funeral Home, Pot Licker’s Catering and the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors.
For more information, contact Jolynn Davis at 601 240-2046 or jolynn.davis@prc-med.com or Tara Rouse at 601 403-1342 or trouse@prcc.edu.