The graduation application is now found in RiverGuide! Login to RiverGuide and click the Student Dashboard tile to access the Graduation Application. No longer a student at PRCC? No problem. Email to request a link to our past student graduation application.
A: Students should apply to graduate when they have enrolled in their final PRCC classes. Degrees and certificates are awarded each semester: Summer, Spring, and Fall. There is one graduation ceremony each year and that is held in May.
A: PRCC holds graduation ceremonies in May of each year. The exact date and times of the ceremonies vary each year.
If you graduated the previous June, August, or December and indicated, on your graduation application, that you wished to march in the May ceremony, you should periodically check the PRCC website for information regarding the upcoming graduation ceremony.
Remember to order your cap and gown by the assigned deadline, through the approved PRCC vendor.
A: To participate in one of the May graduation ceremonies, you must have finished all course work for your diploma by the end of the Spring semester. Those who must take additional classes after the May graduation ceremony can elect to participate in a ceremony the following year.
A: If you have changed your mind about participating in the graduation ceremony, you will need to notify the Graduation Clerk. Please send an email to:
A: You are not required to participate in the graduation ceremony.
A: You are not limited to a specific number of guests; however, seating is first come, first serve.
A: Due to various factors, there is not a set time for the graduation ceremonies to end. The ceremonies may be shorter or longer each year, depending a great deal on how many graduates elect to participate. Typically, the ceremonies last between 1 to 2 hours.
A: IIn order to participate in the graduation ceremony, you must arrive to the ceremony with a cap and gown. This cap and gown must be ordered from our PRCC Wildcat Den Textbook Distribution Center.
A: The college will use one vendor for cap and gowns for each graduation ceremony. Students who wish to participate in the graduation ceremony must order a cap and gown from our PRCC Wildcat Den Textbook Distribution Center. Other vendors cannot be used due to the various styles and colors offered by each vendor.
A: The college will use one vendor for cap and gowns for each graduation ceremony. Students who wish to participate in the graduation ceremony must order a cap and gown from the vendor the college has selected. Other vendors cannot be used due to the various styles and colors offered by each vendor.
A: Yes, you may order a cap and gown as a keepsake and not participate in the ceremony.
A: PRCC has partnered with Paradigm to provide a digital diploma and a physical diploma a few weeks after a degree or certificate is awarded. Digital diplomas will be sent to the PRCC student email address and physical diplomas will be mailed to the address provided on the graduation application. Please note: If the student has holds of some sort (such as unpaid bills in the Business Office or missing paperwork for Admissions), issuing a digital diploma and mailing the physical diploma will be delayed until the hold is satisfied.
A: Visit to complete a replacement order.
A: PRCC does not provide graduation invitation ordering at this time.
A: The photography company, Candid Campus Photography, Inc., collects contact information for each graduate at the graduation ceremony. Pictures are taken at the ceremony and ordering information is sent to the graduates by regular mail and email shortly after the ceremony. Graduates then place their orders directly with the photography company.
Candid Campus Photography
1400 Franklin Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(800) 233.3686
A: Send an email to to notify the Graduation Clerk of any changes.
A: In order to receive either an Associate in Applied Science degree or an Associate in Arts degree a
minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the hours applied toward the degree must be completed at Pearl River Community College.
The Associate in Arts degree is awarded to students who meet either of the following requirements:
- Complete a minimum of 60 semester hours to include the 34 semester hour basic core curriculum and 26 semester hours of transferrable electives (a maximum of four activity hours may be applied toward graduation) and attain an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Complete the first two years of a baccalaureate program of study found in any accredited four year college or university catalog which has become effective since the student began college studies and attain an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
The Associate in Applied Science degree is awarded to a student who completes the prescribed technical course of study in his or her chosen field as outlined in the College Catalog and attains an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
The Certificate of Proficiency is awarded to a student who completes the prescribed career course of study in his or her chosen field as outlined in the College Catalog and attains an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
All students are required to complete PRCC’s Orientation course, in addition to all other degree or certificate requirements.
A: If, at any time, you need help deciding what classes to take, you should contact your advisor. If you do not have an assigned advisor, contact Advisement.
A: After applying for graduation, you will be notified of your status by the Graduation Clerk. If you are not eligible to graduate and you plan to take more classes and graduate at a later semester, you will need to complete a new graduation application.
A: Students graduate with Special Honors when they have a grade point average of 3.80 ‑ 4.00 for all college hours attempted within their chosen program at Pearl River Community College.
Students graduate with Honors when they have a grade point average of 3.40 ‑ 3.79 for all college hours attempted within their chosen program at Pearl River Community College.
A: Contact the Graduation Clerk by email at