Graduation Ceremony Information

February 13, 2025

Dear Graduate:

Congratulations on reaching this point in your education! We are happy that you chose to be a student at Pearl River Community College and that you are nearing completion of requirements for graduation. This letter is being sent to all graduates who indicated a wish to participate in the actual graduation ceremony. If for any reason you have decided not to participate in the ceremony, please contact the graduation office at

If you wish to participate in the graduation ceremony, you will need to place an order for your cap and gown. Each graduate MUST place a cap and gown order through the link below or by visiting the Wildcat Den Textbook Distribution Center. Those who arrive to the graduation ceremony without a confirmed cap and gown order will not be able to participate. Borrowing caps and gowns from previous graduates or using your own from a previous ceremony is not permitted due to changes in vendors, colors, and designs. The cap and gown are yours to keep after the graduation ceremony. 

Cap and gown ordering is open now at or you can visit our PRCC Wildcat Den Textbook Distribution Center to place an order. The cost is $75.00 with an option to pick-up at no charge or to have it shipped for a $10.00 charge. The deadline to order is March 30, 2025 by 4PM. If you miss the deadline, our Wildcat Den Distribution Center may be able to accommodate you, pending cap and gowns availability, but there will be a $50 charge for late ordering. If you need assistance with ordering, visit the Wildcat Den Textbook Distribution Center on the Poplarville Campus or call 601.403.1361.

Important Details Regarding the Day of the Graduation Ceremonies


Two graduation ceremonies will be held on Thursday, May 8th, 2025. 

·       The first ceremony will begin at 9:30a.m. and will include graduates of a career or technical program, including our allied health programs. 

·       The second ceremony will begin at 2:30p.m. and will include graduates earning Associate in Arts degrees. 

If you have any doubt about which ceremony you should attend, email 

The ceremonies will be held at the Dobie Holden Stadium (football stadium), located at 101 Hwy 11 North in Poplarville, MS 39470. This is an outdoor venue. Ceremonies will be live-streamed and available at at the time of each ceremony.


We do not anticipate limiting guests, nor do we anticipate issuing tickets. At this time, seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. All guests will sit on the home side of the stadium.  If additional seating is needed, guests will be directed to sit on the visitor side of the stadium.  Viewing of the ceremony is better on the home side so we encourage guests to arrive early.

Assembly and Line-up

·       9:30a.m. Ceremony – Graduates should arrive no earlier than 8:00a.m. and should check-in no later than 8:45a.m. (Graduates must be on time.) 

·       2:30p.m. Ceremony – Graduates should arrive no earlier than 1:00p.m. and should check-in no later than 1:45p.m. (Graduates must be on time.)

Graduate check-in will be located at the stadium ticket booth. 


Graduates must arrive with their cap and gown, ordered from the link provided above. Extras are not available at the ceremony and the cap and gown must be worn to participate in the ceremony. Borrowing from past graduates is not permitted. 

We recommend that graduates dress thoughtfully, as it will likely be a warm day. Outfits under the cap and gown should follow the PRCC dress code. Graduates will be walking on dirt, grass, and turf, so choose shoes accordingly.

Honors Cords and Stoles

Students participating in the ceremony and who qualify for honors recognition will be provided, at no charge, cords or stoles at graduation check-in. Students with a degree GPA of 3.40 – 3.79 will receive honors recognition and will be provided with a double honors cord. Students with a degree GPA of 3.80 – 4.00 will receive special honors recognition and will be provided with a special honors stole. The graduation office cannot tell graduates what honors recognition they will be receiving in advance of the ceremony.


During the ceremony, a picture will be taken of each graduate. On the day of graduation, graduates will complete a card with their contact information. This card will be used to call their name at the ceremony and to identify them to the photographer. Approximately five days after the ceremony, graduates will receive notification regarding purchasing pictures online.

During the Ceremony

There will be no ceremony practice. Faculty and staff will be in strategic locations directing graduates when to sit/stand.

Awarding of Diplomas

Graduates will shake hands with Dr. Adam Breerwood, college president, and pose with him for a picture and recognition during the ceremony.  Graduates will be emailed information about diplomas as each graduate’s final grades are posted. 


Only the regalia mentioned in this section will be allowed to be displayed at the graduation ceremony. No other items can be worn on the cap or gown to identify association in clubs, organizations, or activities. Regalia from high schools, including stoles issued by the high school, are NOT permitted at this ceremony. 

Middle College – Cords issued by PRCC to Middle College graduates may be worn. No high school cords may be worn.

Honors – Cords and stoles issued by PRCC at graduation check-in (see Honors Cords and Stoles section of this letter) may be worn.

Honors Institute – Medallions issued by PRCC’s Honors Institute may be worn. 

National Technical Honors Society (NTHS) – If you are a member of NTHS, you may wear the purple and silver honors cords. You are NOT permitted to wear any other NTHS regalia. NTHS regalia may be purchased directly from the NTHS website at If you have questions, consult your NTHS advisor.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – If you are a member of Phi Theta Kappa, you may wear the Honors Stole and Gold Tassel. You are NOT permitted to wear the Double Honor Cord, the Key Medallion, or any other available regalia. PTK regalia may be purchased directly from the Recognitions Store at If you have questions, consult your PTK advisor.

Graduates may decorate their caps; however, decorations must be appropriate. No political, derogatory, or expletive decorations will be allowed. The cap cannot be replaced by other headwear (baseball cap, cowboy hat, etc.). Individuals unable to comply will be directed to leave the ceremony.  


Weather conditions will be closely monitored by PRCC personnel. In the event of a weather system that may impact the ceremony, PRCC will post up-to-date information on social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.                                                    

Again, congratulations and good luck in all your future endeavors. 


Martha Lou Smith, Ph. D.
Senior Vice President for Instruction/Provost

Each community college president is asked to bring two (2) wrapped door prizes, minimum value of $50 each. We will have a station set up at the conference for you to drop off the door prizes.

Each community college is asked to provide name tags for their Board members, administration, and staff attending the conference.