This page will guide you through what items a first-time freshman should submit to our Admissions Office and what to expect after applying.
To Submit
Admissions Application
- If you graduated, or will soon graduate, from an accredited high school, work with your high school to send your final transcript to PRCC, once your graduation date and an official signature has been added.
- If you completed the GED, you can find information about requesting your GED transcript by contacting the State Department of Education for the state where you completed the GED. If completed in Mississippi, click here to order your GED transcript. Please note that PRCC can accept the GED transcript, but not the GED diploma.
- If you were homeschooled, you’ll need to submit your homeschool transcript to PRCC. You can submit this by clicking here and completing the Secondary Document Upload, once you’ve received your RiverGuide student account credentials. Make sure this homeschool transcript includes the following:
- A homeschool name
- Every grade of high school
- Every class taken in each grade
- The final grade for each class
- The year that corresponds to each grade of high school
- Your official graduation date
- A school phone number
- Signed by the homeschool principal in front of a notary and then notarized
- Did you complete college classes through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit while in high school? If those college classes were offered through PRCC, we will already have them on file and you will not have to take any extra steps. If those classes were offered through another college, we will need your official transcript on file to add those classes to your record. Contact the college that offered the classes and ask that your official transcript be sent to PRCC.
Test scores are not required for admission, but are highly recommended. Placement into advanced courses, acceptance into certain programs, and awarding of some scholarships will require testing scores to be on file.
- If you included PRCC on your ACT score report when signing up for the ACT, then we already have the scores. If you did not include PRCC, visit to request that your scores be sent to PRCC.
- If you have not taken the ACT, we will accept SAT scores or Accuplacer scores. Click here to learn more about Accuplacer testing at PRCC.
*Many high schools post ACT scores on the high school transcript and we will accept those scores in place of the official score report from ACT.
After Applying?
Within the next two business days, you’ll get an email with your acceptance status. That email will include an attachment with your student account credentials, which will allow you to login to our college systems through RiverGuide. While you’re waiting for this, we recommend that you learn more about PRCC and explore the topics below.
Now that you know about scheduling your advising appointment and getting your class schedule, let’s think about housing. Do you plan to live on campus? If so, visit the Housing Portal tile in RiverGuide and complete your application. Then, click here to learn more about life on campus. We begin accepting housing applications for the new academic year (fall-spring) on December 1 annually. For example, a student wishing to move into campus housing for Fall 2025 can apply starting December 1, 2024.
Have you completed your federal student aid application? We encourage you to complete this because not only does it allow us to consider you for federal aid, it’s also used to determine your eligibility for other grants, scholarships, and loans. Head over to the Financial Aid page to learn more. If you’ve already completed your federal student aid application, click the Financial Aid tile in RiverGuide to stay up-to-date on your aid offers and requirements.
Visit our Business Office page to learn more about PRCC’s tuition & fees, along with ways to pay for college.
Click here to learn more about our academic, career/technical, and allied health plans of study. If you’re planning to join one of PRCC’s career/technical or allied health programs, be aware that several of these programs require a separate program application. You can learn more by clicking the name of the program that interests you on the career/technical or allied health page.
Don’t hesitate to reach out! Click here for our contact information.