ADA Accommodation Testing
Testing Center Rules
1. I understand I am not allowed to have cell phones or any electronic devices used to retrieve or transmit information in a PRCC Testing Center.
2. I understand I will be asked to remove my watch.
3. I understand I am not allowed to bring food or drink into any PRCC Testing Center.
4. I understand I should dress appropriately. I understand I will be asked to remove headgear, all outerwear, and all hoodies.
5. I understand that I will be asked to present a valid photo ID to verify my identity. I understand that the name on my photo ID must match my name displayed in Canvas.
6. I understand that pictures of IDs will not be accepted.
7. I understand I will be recorded by surveillance cameras and computer monitoring software while testing in a PRCC Testing Center.
8. I understand cheating will not be tolerated.
9. I understand PRCC is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Late/No Show
Arriving up to 30 minutes prior to your test time will allow time for payment and check-in. If you are an hour or more late, you will be considered a no-show. You may also be required to reschedule your appointment based on the Testing Center’s hours of operation and the duration of the test.
WorkKeys Appointments
Click the button below to schedule a WorkKeys appointment at the Woodall Center.