The Ted J. Alexander Endowed Leadership Program Scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding full-time gifted or talented* students who meet the following minimum ACT subscore requirements: English ≥16; Mathematics ≥18; and Reading ≥16. This $1000 award was made possible through generous gifts to the College and is for $500 per semester. Preference for these scholarships is given to high school seniors/incoming freshmen. This scholarship is renewable for a second semester by the scholar maintaining at least a 3.0 grade point average and participating in program activities.
Interested students who have questions regarding this scholarship should call the Office of Planning and Institutional Research (601-403-1317). This application must be submitted by April 25, 2025.
*Gifted or talented individuals are defined as those individuals capable of high performance, including those with demonstrated achievement and/or potential ability in any of the following areas, singly or in combination: 1. general intellectual ability 2. specific academic aptitude 3. creative or productive thinking 4. leadership ability 5. visual or performing arts 6. psychomotor ability
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